Medical Record For Clark, Loretta

150 lbs or 68 kg
Admitting Diagnosis:
40% BSA Burns
Admitting Physician:
Wilson James, MD

Past Medical History


No Known Drug Allergies

Medical Problems


Surgical History



Basic Metabolic Panel

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
Glucose 120 70-100
BUN 12 5-20
Creatinine 0.8 0.5-1.5
Sodium 130 135-145
Potassium 3.1 3.5-5.0
Chloride 91 95-105
Calcium 9.1 9-11

Complete Blood Count with Diff

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
WBC 11.0 4.8-10.8
RBC 5.8 4.7-6.1
HGB 12.8 12.6-17.4
HCT 38 37-51
MCV 82 80-94
MCH 30 27-31
MCHC 35 33-37
Platelets 250 130-400
Segmented Neutrophils % 68 50-70
Neutrophils, bands 0 0-5
Lymphocytes % 22 20-40
Monocytes % 8 0-15
Eosinophils % 2 0-6
Basophils % 0 0-2
Reticulocytes 0 0-1

Coagulation Studies

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
PT 10 7.6-10.6
PTT 28 26-38

Vital Signs

Time 2000 0000 0400
Heart Rate 122 132 154
Blood Pressure 120/80 110/74 98/66
Respiratory Rate 20 22 24
Pulse Ox 98% on RA 94% on RA 88% on RA

Provider Notes

Time Provider Notes
2000 Wilson James, MD Admit pt to burn unit s/p house fire. 40% BSA 2nd and 3rd degree burns. See orders in chart.