Medical Record For Reynolds, Jeremy

160lb or 73kg
Admitting Diagnosis:
Penetrating leg injury; Head injury
Admitting Physician:
Wilson James, MD

Past Medical History



Medical Problems

Type 2 Diabetes

Surgical History



Basic Metabolic Panel

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
Glucose 260 70-100
BUN 26 5-20
Creatinine 2.9 0.5-1.5
Sodium 130 135-145
Potassium 3.4 3.5-5.0
Chloride 93 95-105
Calcium 9.1 9-11

Complete Blood Count with Diff

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
WBC 7.2 4.8-10.8
RBC 4.1 4.7-6.1
HGB 8.1 12.6-17.4
HCT 30 37-51
MCV 80 80-94
MCH 25 27-31
MCHC 31 33-37
Platelets 120 130-400
Segmented Neutrophils % 61 50-70
Neutrophils, bands 0 0-5
Lymphocytes % 21 20-40
Monocytes % 7 0-15
Eosinophils % 3 0-6
Basophils % 1 0-2
Reticulocytes 0 0-1

Coagulation Studies

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
PT 13.1 7.6-10.6
PTT 45 26-38

Vital Signs

Time 2000 0000 0400
Heart Rate 107 96 90
Blood Pressure 91/73 - MAP 79 95/72 - MAP 80 110/75 - MAP 87
Respiratory Rate 14 14 14
Pulse Ox 97% on 50% FiO2 via ventilator 98% on 50% FiO2 via ventilator 98% on 50% FiO2 via ventilator
Temperature 98.6 Rectal NOT RECORDED NOT RECORDED
ICP 18 22 22

Provider Notes

Time Provider Notes
2000 Wilson James, MD Pt fell from ladder during storm, branch impaled L leg at thigh, +LOC. GCS of 15 on arrival. During ED treatment, tension pneumothorax noted with tracheal deviation to R, needle decompression to L chest and chest tube placed on L in ED. Battle sign and Raccoon eyes present on ED arrival. Pt in c-collar, to OR for surgical repair of L leg. Pt to ICU from OR, GCS of 15 after surgery. Yesterday in ICU, pt became very confused, was intubated and ventriculostomy placed. Pt went to CT scan head and c-spine, basilar skull fracture noted, c-spine cleared and c-collar removed. On Metformin at home for DM2.
0000 Jen Carroll, RN Pt intubated with 8.0ETT, 23 at lip, CT on L with no evidence of air leak, to suction and tidaling, no drainage, no subq emphysema noted, dressing intact, no complications at site, CT supplies at bedside. Pt sedated per orders, vent settings A/C Volume, Rate 14, Tv 400, FiO2 50%, PEEP=3. Lungs CTA BIL. CVC and 20GIVR L hand both with blood return and no site complications, Aline visible above sheets, all connections tight, no site complications. Foley draining straw colored urine of adequate amounts.
0400 Jen Carroll, RN Pt with elevated ICP after rolling, sustained, James MD aware, no further orders at this time.