Medical Record For Bucks, J.

160lb or 73kg
Admitting Diagnosis:
Exercise induced asthma excerbation
Admitting Physician:
Johhanna Bach ER NP

Past Medical History



Medical Problems

Exercise induced asthma, Eczema, Bowel obstruction (2002)

Surgical History

Bowel surgery (2002), Nasal polyps removed


Basic Metabolic Panel

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
Glucose 85 70-100
BUN 11 5-20
Creatinine 1.1 0.5-1.5
Sodium 139 135-145
Potassium 3.9 3.5-5.0
Chloride 100 95-105
Calcium 9.2 9-11

Complete Blood Count with Diff

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
WBC 5.2 4.8-10.8
RBC 5.9 4.7-6.1
HGB 13.8 12.6-17.4
HCT 48 37-51
Platelets 228 130-400

Coagulation Studies

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
PT 8.2 7.6-10.6
PTT 29 26-38
INR 0.09 0.8-1.2
D-dimer <0.50 <0.50

Cardiac Labs

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
BNP <125 <125

Vital Signs

Time 0800
Heart Rate 92
Blood Pressure 128/68
Respiratory Rate 22
Pulse Ox 88% on Room Air
Temperature 98.6 F Oral
Pain 4/10

Provider Notes

Time Provider Notes
0900 Johhanna Bach ER NP Patient admitted for wheezing, home inhaler not working. Recently started playing in an adult soccer league. Has had a history of excercise induce asthma. States there is a slight tightness of the chest and has had trouble sleeping due to the wheezing