Medical Record For Baker, Arnold

160lb or 73kg
Admitting Diagnosis:
Bacterial Pneumonia
Admitting Physician:
Wilson James, MD

Past Medical History



Medical Problems

High Cholesterol

Surgical History

L Knee Replacement


Basic Metabolic Panel

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
Glucose 130 70-100
BUN 18 5-20
Creatinine 1.2 0.5-1.5
Sodium 131 135-145
Potassium 3.7 3.5-5.0
Chloride 99 95-105
Calcium 9.8 9-11

Complete Blood Count with Diff

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
WBC 18.2 4.8-10.8
RBC 5.1 4.7-6.1
HGB 13.1 12.6-17.4
HCT 39 37-51
MCV 85 80-94
MCH 28 27-31
MCHC 35 33-37
Platelets 190 130-400
Segmented Neutrophils % 89 50-70
Neutrophils, bands 8 0-5
Lymphocytes % 26 20-40
Monocytes % 7 0-15
Eosinophils % 3 0-6
Basophils % 1 0-2
Reticulocytes 0 0-1

Coagulation Studies

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
PT 9.1 7.6-10.6
PTT 30 26-38

Cardiac Enzymes

Vital Signs

Lab Result Tested Value Normal Value Range
Troponin <0.01 <0.01
Time 2000 0000 0400
Heart Rate 109 107 110
Blood Pressure 150/90 120/85 121/87
Respiratory Rate 32 34 36
Pulse Ox 96% on 2L NC 95% on 2L NC 96% on 2L NC
Temperature 102.6 Oral NOT RECORDED NOT RECORDED

Provider Notes

Time Provider Notes
2000 Wilson James, MD 56 yo male presenting to the ED with chest pain and shortness of breath with productive cough x 1 week, getting worse. On arrival, pt speaking in full sentences without difficulty, lungs with crackles auscultated bilaterally. Chest xray shows bilateral pneumonia, suspect bacterial; antibiotics ordered.